What is Really in Your Bag?

What's in my bag posts are everywhere on blogs and youtube channels and I'm just sat here like erm, why is my bag not as clean and tidy as that?! My bag is very rarely organised and tidy; it becomes a dumping ground for various receipts, odd coins and lipsticks so I thought I'd give all you ladies out there with messy bags and shout out and show you what's really inside my bag... (before I got all ashamed when I realised how much a of a mess it was and actually cleared it out!)


Aww look how pretty this looks, like a typical 'what's in my bag' post I have a very nice purse peeking out of the opening with a phone, a bottle of perfume and some hand cream strategically placed as if they've just fallen nicely out of the bag. The reality of the situation is very different...





What was really in my bag:
- iPhone 5s
- Michael Kors Purse
- Soap & Glory Hand Dream
- Zara Oriental Perfume 30ml
- WHSmith carrier bag (did contain Fleur de Force's book which I bought for my niece)
- Cineworld Tickets (from 50 Shades of Grey)
- Empty Minstrels packet (also from 50 Shades of Grey, I think I kept the wrapper as a souvenir of the £3 I paid for them!!)
- Various packets of paracetamol (I don't even know why I have so many?!)
- Sweetener tablets
- Receipts from Boux Avenue, Makro & Boots
- Statement Necklace (I took this off at some point because it was irritating me)
- Touch screen gloves
- Bath & Body Works Cashmere Glow body spritz
- Nivea Raspberry Rose Lip Butter (smells amazing)
- MeMeMe Persian Pink
- Maybelline Color Sensational lipstick
- Soap & Glory Sexy Motherpucker lip gloss
- Mac Lipstick 'Twig'

I obviously got rid of the rubbish out of it when I realised how much there was in it and I was actually left with quite a minimal handbag stash. I don't carry around a lot of makeup with me and I never carry anything like an iPad because most of the time I don't think it's necessary because my phone does pretty much everything I need it to. I should probably be more organised in the handbag department, I reckon i'll be sticking my nose into other peoples 'what's in my handbag' posts to get some organisation inspiration!

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