Binge Worthy Box Sets

I love Netflix, I really do. It's so convenient to have thousands of hours of binge watching material at your finger tips for only £7.99 a month but who can forget the old faithful, hard copy box sets? You can guarantee I always had at least one on my Christmas/Birthday list every single year and I built up a bit of a collection before internet viewing became popular; they've been a bit neglected just lately so I thought I'd revive them from my shelf and share my favourite ones that I could literally watch over and over and not get bored...


Sex and the City - anybody who has dreamt of living in a city at some point in their life has probably watched at least a few episodes of SATC. For that hour or so I'm transported into Carrie's little New York City bubble; she has her ups and downs in life and love but bloody hell she's living it up every single day isn't she! I love that I can see myself in each of the girls but I how 4 women who are different in so many ways can be such good friends is beyond me but it works and I was hooked from episode one right to when Carrie rekindled her love with Big in Paris. 

Cold Feet - who remembers this? Better still - who watched it when it was live on TV?! This used to be what I watched when I was home alone when I was younger, it was like my little TV comfort blanket. It follows 3 family's trials and tribulations; from marriage problems and kids to crushes and affairs... Cold Feet dramatises 'normal' suburban life pretty perfectly I think; it's easy watching but with enough drama to keep you interested.

Downton Abbey - the last TV series I thought I'd get into is a period drama but I bought this for Jason (secretly for me) and found myself absolutely absorbed by it; I think we watched the whole first 3 series within a couple of weeks. The first 3 series takes you through World War I in the house where it becomes a convalescent home for injured soldiers whilst following the lives of Lord Grantham and his family right through to the inter-war period (series 4, which has just been on TV covers up to the mid 20's). I have to admit that my favourite character is probably the Dowager Countess (Lord Grantham's mum), played by Maggie Smith - for a posh old goat she comes out with some right one liners!

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