Lush Meadowhall

I've probably been annoying you all more than enough just lately banging on about how excited I was about going to The Meadowhall Bloggers Breakfast but the excitement wasn't without reason. The North of the UK, much like most other parts that aren't London, is quite deprived when it comes to blogger events which is a shame because there are some very influential Northern bloggers who don't get a chance to shine at events unless they can afford to travel down to London so it's VERY exciting when something happens up North!

Luckily, Meadowhall in Sheffield has identified the gap in the market to attract bloggers to one of the biggest shopping centres in the north. I felt very privileged to be invited to their bloggers breakfast and I can honestly say it is my favourite event to date!

After our breakfast we headed over to Lush which was just a short walk away from the Caffe to be treated to an out of hours snoop of the shop and a sneaky look at their Emotional Brilliance makeup range and their selection of face masks. Our group went to the Emotional Brilliance wheel of colour first and we learnt about their philosophy behind the colours and what they can show in terms of how you're feeling and the person you are.








Sophisticated - I really liked this shade regardless of whether the word applied to me or not, Although I guess in some ways at that is now I felt at that moment in time because I'd dressed up in a grey swing dress with tights and boots; this is quite 'dressed up' for me as I'm usually a jeans and tee kind of person when I'm at home.
In Control and Power - these two made me laugh when I saw them; there have been jokes made about how I like to be in charge and I'm a bit 'power mad'. I don't think I am, I like being in a position of authority but I guess that's because that's what I've trained to do. I've also always been quite a bossy confident person, in a group situation I am willing to take control and I like my voice to be heard. So although I was a little bit embarrassed at the outcome to begin with, thinking about it it's actually quite accurate! As for the actual colours, I love electric blue, not necessarily as makeup but I'm always drawn to blue shirts and patterns. 


Cupcake Facemask... NOM

Next was face mask making; we had a look at all the Skincare Lush had to offer and although I've tried a lush face mask before I didn't realise how extensive their Skincare range was so it was a real eye opener for me. Next we all put our blue gloves on and got down to making a face mask with fresh ingredients. Catastrophe Cosmetic was the mask of choice, with fresh blueberries and chamomile it's a great mask for problem skin and for injecting some moisture into thirsty skin. We added crushed fresh blueberries, calamine powder, talc, glycerine, almond oil and chamomile blue oil and mixed them all together to make a thick creamy face mask. We each took a pot and divided the mixture between ourselves to take home. Lush were also kind enough to let us take home a cleanser of our choice as well as a spray toner which I though was insanely generous! 

After the talks, the store opened at 10am and we were free to browse and have a chat and a drink with each other. I went straight over to the Golden Egg bath bombs and grabbed one of those, had a chat with Beth and the lovely Meadowhall ladies then took off to do a bit of shopping in the rest of the centre. I met up with Georgina, Charley, Becky and Joanna in a Debenhams and we all did a bit of enabled shopping at MAC and several other shops!  

I had an amazing morning at Meadowhall Bloggers Breakfast and I loved meeting some more bloggers, I've already said it a million times but thanks to Meadowhall for inviting me and thanks to Lush for having us!

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