MAC Paint Pot in Bare Study Swatch
It's been a while since I bought anything from MAC, I kind of went through a bit of an obsession phase when I first started blogging back in 2011 but since then the only thing I've repurchased is Studio Fix Fluid. However, when I went to the Meadowhall Bloggers Breakfast I was surrounded by ladies who couldn't resist what the MAC counter had to offer. I was so close to resisting but then I remembered how much I needed a Paint Pot in 'Bare Study' once I did a swatch on my hand (as you do!)
MAC Paint Pot in 'Bare Study' £15.00 Debenhams

For me, this is a really simple, easy product to use. I very rarely use cream eye products, I'm not sure why, probably because I own far too much powder eyeshadow. I cannot get a picture to justify how beautiful this colour is, although fairly shimmery it's a really neutral shade; as a base or as an eye colour on its own this is absolutely gorgeous. I have been wearing this on most days, at least during the day if not also at night too because it's so easy to apply and it just gives an even wash of colour all over the lid with a little bit of added sparkle. I think it really helps make my eyes stand out; with dramatic mascara I think this looks really really nice. It applies like a paint (hence its name) but dries within seconds to leave an intense pearlescent finish. It's also very long wearing; I have a habit of rubbing my eyes which will often smudge whatever I've put on my lids but once this is dried it only ever properly comes off with makeup remover.
As with most MAC products, this doesn't come cheap at £15 but a small pot of this will last me absolutely ages. I also had £5 on my Debenhams Beauty Card so it didn't seem so expensive and it kind of sealed the deal for me as to whether I should buy it or not.
If you're looking for a nice neutral eye colour this is one you should definitely look at; my swatch does not do it justice no matter what light I photographed it in it just didn't look as nice as real life.
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