Bath and Body Works Autumn Collection

Ah Bath & Body Works, the elusive store which has all us British women lusting over their products, but I've been lucky enough to get myself over to America recently armed with my list of most wanted products (with a baggage allowance in mind, of course). If it's your first time in Bath & Body Works you might want to set aside an hour or so out of your day to immerse yourself in all it's fragrant goodness, seriously there's so many different products and scents it'll take you a while to take it all in. I spent a good amount of time on the website before I went to America so I could get an idea of what I wanted because it's so easy to get carried away in there, without further ado this is what I picked up on my last trip:

 Travel Sized Fine Fragrance Mist 3 for $12

I got some full sized versions of these last year and still haven't got through those but I couldn't resist getting some of these smaller versions in some more autumn-y kinds of smells. I've started using Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte already and it smells beautiful and they last surprisingly well considering they're just like a body spray.  


Hand Sanitizers 5 for $6

I know there are lots of people who are obsessed with these and you can buy them on eBay for a little more than they retail for in a store but I decided to grab 10 while I could. You may have noticed that they've changed the bottle to a shorter, wider design which I actually think is better because the product seems to be easier to get out. The Cocoa Mint is a particular favourite of mine but I'm going to try and save it until December to use around the festive period.

 Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte Shower Gel $12.50
Black Cherry Merlot & Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte Hand Soap $6.50 each

I totally missed out on some great deals with these, I should have got 2 more shower gels which would have meant that they worked out at just over $8 each and I could have got 4 hand soaps for $18 but because I bought them on separate trips to the shop I never took advantage of the deals. Which is why you should always have time to browse or have a very good idea of what you would like! The foaming hand soap is lovely to use, it's very gentle on your skin and they both smell incredible.

Scentportable Fragrance Refills 4 for $10

A Scentportable is a clip on base for these little cartridges, they're great for fragrancing cars or other small spaces and you can get them in lots of different designs. I can see that I'll be buying more refills on my next trip!

Black Cherry Merlot 3 Wick Candle $22.50

I've never actually owned a 3 wick candle before so when I saw that they were actually on special at 2 for $25 I got one for myself and one for my friend who wanted a 'Leaves' one so they worked out at an even better price. The fragrance is powerful enough to fill a room and it has a clean burn which can last between 24-45 hours, I'd definitely get another one of these. 

So isn't it about time you came to the UK, Bath & Body Works? I hate having to bulk buy all my favourite stuff!

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