5 Things To Get Excited About This Summer

If you’ve been following the news, you’ve heard that the summer holidays are probably going to be cancelled. It’s hard to tell how long the Coronavirus is going to impact our lives. However, the government has issued warnings about pre-booked summer holidays. In all likelihood, I'll not be able to jet off on the Florida holiday I have booked but in all honesty, the last 8 weeks really has put things into perspective and made me realise that having a holiday isn't the be all and end all; there's loads of other things I'm looking forward to being able to do eventually.

#1. Seeing friends and family
We can expect lockdown rules to ease more and more as time passes (fingers crossed that the 'r' stays down!). As of this week, car trips are allowed, which means that you can drive to your favourite spot in the countryside if you fancy a walk in the woods. Of course, social distancing still applies, but we can gradually expect a change of tone. In a few weeks’ time, you may be allowed to meet with friends and relatives. Perhaps, it will be an opportunity to have a catch up picnic in the park or play a game of ball together... who knew I'd actually look forward to maybe partaking in a bit of sport?!

#2. Getting more fresh air
Finally, you don’t need to worry about how many times you want to step outside. As we’re now allowed to go out as often as we wish during the day, chances are you’re going to work on your summer tan. Here’s a little tip to remember: your skin has not been prepared for prolonged sun exposure this year. If you haven’t already, it’s a good idea to add some UV protection makeup and lotions to your beauty kit. You can find out more about SPF protective makeup here, because nobody wants the typical chalky sunscreen lotion. Or if sunning yourself in the actual sun isn't your thing then I'd highly recommend Skinny Tan Wonder Serum for all your fake tanning needs.


#3 Seeing the UK
This one is a little bit more tricky in my opinion, because I realise that lots of the tourist hot spots currently want to keep people away still which is completely understandable but hopefully, in the coming months, before summer is over tourist areas in the UK will start to welcome us back - I for one can't wait to visit some of the seaside areas local to me!

#4 Sales, sales sales
We’ve been told to limit unnecessary purchases. However, you have to be realistic. The fashion industry contributes heavily to the UK economy. It’s time to embrace fashion sales – mid-season sales are everywhere – to support the country. Ultimately, brands are trying to survive as much as any other industry. Buying your new summer number could help to keep jobs and it's well worth having a look online before the fashion retailers re-open their doors to the public again.

#4. Garden Parties
Kind of ties into the whole seeing friends and family but hopefully there'll come a time this summer when we will be able to have a few people round for a BBQ or a little garden get together. Add a summer playlist, a few fruity cocktails, and some homemade ice creams and you’re ready for the summer. 

Summer is going to be different this year However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t make the most of it. The lockdown rules are allowing for more freedom and movements for everyone. If we respect the rules today, chances are it’ll be safe to meet up with friends before soon! 

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