Things I wish I'd Done When I was Younger

Post in collaboration with Yorkshire Dentistry

I've always tried to pride myself on having no regrets, I've always said that I've done things my way and that's been the only way for me, I've often not taken advice because I've been adamant that I need to make my own mistakes. But I'm nearly 25 and I've finally realised that there are probably some times when I should have taken advice...


I wish I'd gone out more - Freshers week should be the time in your life when you can just go out every single night and not feel one bit of guilt about it, however I was on tablets for a latent form of tuberculosis which meant that I couldn't drink any alcohol at all so Freshers was a bit of a drag for me because it was like being at work; being surrounded by drunk people while I was totally sober. Even after I came off the tablets I didn't really go out much because I felt totally out of my comfort zone, I'd put weight on and I just didn't feel confident at all, which brings me to my second point...

I wish I'd never put weight on - Obviously we all know how nice pizza and chocolate tastes but when it becomes your staple diet along with copious amounts of red bull and full sugar coke, obviously your waistband is going to suffer. I put on 2 stone between September and December 2009 and I just kept putting more and more weight on as the years went by. It made me unhappy, I totally lacked confidence and I basically became a hermit for 3-4 years until I eventually started Slimming World in 2013. I know everything happens for a reason but I really do wish I'd not put all that weight on, I would have probably gone out more and I wouldn't be left with horrid stretch marks!

I wish I'd had braces - When I was 13 I was told that I needed braces, which was fine but the only snag was that I would need 4 teeth out. The thought of having teeth out without just a local anaesthetic absolutely scared the living daylights out of me but now in my adult life I really wish I'd have got some braces when I was young and now I'd have nice straight teeth. Instead, I now really need to consider paying to have something like Invisalign braces from the Centre for Advanced Dentistry Yorkshire to correct my teeth because I don't think normal braces would look great in adult life!

I wish I'd concentrated more at college - I could have definitely got better grades at college which would have stood me in a position to apply for better university courses. I really wanted a B in History but instead I ended up with a C because I was lazy and didn't concentrate anywhere near as much as I should have; I never really revised and just did the bare minimum really.

I wish I'd done a different degree - Retail Marketing Management is all well and good but I feel like it restricts me so much now as to what jobs I can consider doing. Although I learned a lot of transferable skills during the course I wish I'd have had more time to think about it and thought about it in a more rational way to give me more options. If I could do it all again I'd probably do a History degree because I'd now love to be able to teach it but alas! I can't because I don't have the right degree!

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