Inside the JYSK Store in Doncaster

If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you might have seen that they've very recently opened a JYSK store in Doncaster and you'd be forgiven if you were left thinking 'what the heck is JYSK' because they are a fairly new retailer in the UK and at the moment they've got stores as far down the country as Coventry so if you're any further south than that you may have a little longer to wait before they open one near you! But all I can say to that is high five to the retailers who see some real potential in the north of England! Anyway, I digress...

JYSK is an international retailer who specialise in 'everything for the home' and the name 'JYSK' is actually meant to be said as it's spelt not as a series of letters; the word in Danish actually means 'anything or anybody from the Jutland Penisula' (mainland regions of Denmark) but more specifically it's associated with modesty, thoroughness and honesty. So when you're saying it just remember it's not J-Y-S-K it's JYSK.

The store they recently opened in Doncaster is their first 'Concept 3' store which means that it differs from existing stores in that it's more home and lifestyle led in the range of products. This is the first time I've ever been to a JYSK store though so I was excited to see what they had...



On first impressions the store isn't actually very big at all, I expected it to be a lot bigger especially as I expected lots of displays of the products and furniture in action. However, despite the size they've actually used the space really well and managed to showcase lots of their furniture whilst not overcrowding the place. They have everything from storage drawers, wardrobes and shelving to beds, sofas, dining sets and garden furniture; along with lots of other home accessories and essentials.

What I also noticed immediately was the price-point; everything seems very affordable but the quality doesn't seem compromised. The layout of the store suggests that the products would actually be more expensive than they are which makes a nice change! They have lots of opening offers on in store but even the 'normal' prices seemed very reasonable.


They have a whole section of the store dedicated to beds and mattresses which is separated off from the rest of the store to give it a more bedroom-y kind of feel. As you can see all the beds and mattresses are there for you to try out which is perfect because who wants to buy a mattress without trying it first?! I certainly wouldn't!


I couldn't help but absolutely love this VESTERVIG bunk bed even though I have zero use for it as I don't have any kids but it's absolutely perfect for anyone that does and again the price is so reasonable; for the frame PLUS mattresses for both the top and bottom bunk it's only £369; I would have loved something like this as a child!

As you can see behind the bed they have a range of wardrobes which are, again, all very reasonably priced and there was a darker wood triple wardrobe with mirror called the VEDDE which I had my eye on and it was just £225.



Another price I could not believe was these chairs; the grey fabric ones are only £45 and they are so sturdy; I've known similar ones be priced at double that if not more so if you're looking for an affordable dining set then I definitely recommend JYSK because you can mix and match the tables and the chairs. For example you could get the HALLUND table plus 4 of these type of chairs for just £255! Again, you can see how they've sectioned this bit of to be able to show lots of their products in-situ which is helpful for getting some inspiration.



Unsurprisingly, the sofas were also very affordable and I liked the way they used the available space to actually showcase what they look like paired with some of their other furniture because sometimes matching up different furniture is half the battle because I get stuck to know what will go with what.



Onto accessories and I can safely say that their bedding is the one; I was particularly drawn to that RINGSTIND printed duvet cover; it's 7.5 tog which is perfect for when the nights start to get a little cooler and a double is only £25.

Looking at the second photo, I absolutely love that they have the duvet covers on hangers so you can get a proper look at them and actually feel the texture. I hate having to buy bedding 'blind' as it were because although you can look at the pattern through the plastic, you never get a proper feel for it until you get it home and wash it. There's nothing more disappointing than finding that your pretty bedding is also scratchy bedding. Luckily, all the duvet covers I felt on the display were very soft and silky and again, you can't go wrong at the prices because they were mostly under £20 and they had some amazing geo patterns (we all know I love a geo pattern!)


There's a very good selection of cushions in store aswell with lots of different colour schemes and patters and you can also buy just the covers in some patterns which is perfect if, like me, you like to switch up your cushions now and again but you don't want to keep buying the cushions themselves. I particularly have my eye on the DUEHOE dark grey geometric cushion cover which is an absolute steal at only £3.




And onto the final part; bathroom bits (well I say final, the final bit that I'm going to cover in this post because otherwise it would be far too picture heavy!). They have a nice little selection of bathroom accessories and as you can see the glass soap dispensers caught my eye along with the matching toothbrush holders. They also had a great range of towels in different colours and sizes and surprise surprise they were very affordable at £9 for a bath sheet (I usually end up paying around £15), I also really like those guest towels in that last photo; the bit of pattern just makes them a little bit different to the norm; perfect for a downstairs toilet.

Wow, that post was long and I probably haven't covered half of what was actually in the store! Although I would love to see what a bigger store is like I am very impressed with their use of space in the Doncaster store; they've utilised it all very well without making it look too overcrowded. It'll definitely be a place I'll visit often to see what new bits they get in!

*I was not paid to write this post, I simply asked permission to take photos and film in the store because y'know, ya girl needs something to do in her 6 weeks off

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