Aromatherapy Associates Bath and Shower Oils Review

The Aromatherapy Associates stand was one of the ones I was looking forward to most when I went to Professional Beauty a couple of weeks ago, I knew I was going to make a purchase and I had my eye on the miniatures collection because I'd never tried anything from the brand before and there was 30% off (looking back now I should have got a few more bits at that discount!). I've heard such good things about Aromatherapy Associates so I was really looking forward to trying them out. I do think it's nice to splash out on luxe bath and body products now and again because there's nothing better than a Sunday evening pamper!



Aromatherapy Associates Mini Bath/Shower Oil Collection Beauty Bay £24.23 (sale price, Beauty Bay)

Basically the miniatures collection contains 9 x 3ml vials of bath/shower oils, I assume there's one of most of the oils that Aromatherapy Associates have to offer. There are 4 different 'categories'; Support, Relax, Revive and De-stress, each having different purposes. Then within the categories they have the following:

Relax Deep
Relax Light
Support Equilibrium
Support Breathe 
Support Lavender and Peppermint
De-stress Mind
De-stress Muscle
Revive Morning
Revive Evening

Some appealed to me more than others instantly; the main reason why I have a bath is to relax, so Relax Deep caught my eye straight away. Sometimes when I've come home from work I struggle to sleep straight away because my mind is racing so having a bath oil to completely relax my senses is perfect. Although I have to admit there isn't one that I don't like, each one does have a purpose and serves it's purpose. I have only used the Revive Morning in the shower as I never have baths in the morning, and it did wake me up but it wasn't a miracle worker like the relax ones. However, please be aware that I am rubbish in the morning and it really does take a miracle to wake me up any quicker than about half an hour after I've woken up!

If I absolutely had to choose a least favourite it would probably be Support Lavender and Peppermint, simply because it doesn't smell as nice as the others but that doesn't mean I don't like it, I just favour others over it. I haven't used Support Breathe yet as I haven't had a blocked nose etc. but just by smelling it in the vial I can tell that it's going to be a big help when I am unfortunate enough to get a cold!

I have quite a big bath but surprisingly 3mls was enough, I'd actually probably say to only use half a vial each bath if you have a regular sized bath otherwise I reckon it could get a bit slippery and greasy. I'm not over keen on shower use, purely because I'm never in the shower long enough to really enjoy it; I see showers as more functional than enjoyable... I can easily spend an hour in a bath whereas I'm in the shower for a maximum of 10 minutes. 

This is the first bath oil I've tried so I don't actually have anything to compare it to but to me that's irrelevant because I absolutely love these and I would honestly recommend this miniatures collection to anyone, even if you don't think you'll like bath oils and especially if you've never tried Aromatherapy Associates. I am really wanting to buy a full sized bottle of Relax Deep but I need to justify a treat for myself because it is quite pricey at £37.00, however I dare say it will last an absolute age! I'd also love to try their new bath oil; Inner Strength but that'll have to go on the back burner for a little while or until I can have a sniff in a store. 

The Aromatherapy Associates Miniature Bath/Shower Oil Collection is currently on offer on the Beauty Bay website at £24.23 (should be £28.50) so I would recommend buying it sooner rather than later if you fancy it!

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